In idle state the server process uses ~4.4GB of physical RAM.
Each player needs up to 100MB of additional RAM.
In total the server should not use more than 6GB of physical RAM.
How much disk space uncompressed are the server files?
We recommend to have a free space of 30GB. The uncompressed server files are currently ~13GB.
How large is a typical save file?
A save file can be between 1MB and 100MB. This is hard to specify. At the beginning it is very small. For worlds with a lot of big bases it is closer towards 100MB.
How many (and how often) are save-files generated?
There is a file per game-world. Character save-games will not be stored on the dedicated server.
Character progression is stored only on clients.
The world progression is stored on the dedicated servers.
Save game files will be created every 5 minutes.
Does the game server use IPv4 or IPv6?
The server is using IPv4.
Which network ports are needed?
A “gamePort” and a “queryPort”. By default, we are using:
"gamePort": 15636
"queryPort": 15637
What are the Important files and their expected file path? (Config / Logs / Crash Dumps)
As described in the section concerning the config file, the default paths for save data and log files are as follows:
"saveDirectory": "./savegame"
"logDirectory": "./logs"
The config file itself and crash dumps are automatically placed in the same directory as the server exe.
Can the server be run headless? (In the background with no UI on the desktop)
Yes, but there is a DOS window.
What is a typical indicator that the server is fully started?
Something like the following should appear in the DOS window & log-file: [Session] 'HostOnline' (up)! [Session] finished transition from 'Lobby' to 'Host_Online' (current='Host_Online')! [server] Load deserialization took 2.77 s
What is a typical indicator that the server is fully started?
The default method for connecting to a server is via the server browser menu. It can be reached by selecting [Join] in the main menu of the game.
Make sure to enable the „Show dedicated server” options in the server filter to show dedicated servers in the server list.
Dedicated servers can be marked as favorite by selecting the „star“-icon. Favorite dedicated servers are automatically sorted at the top of the server list.
Dedicated servers can also be marked as favorite in the Steam client. This option needs to be used if the dedicated server is not appearing in the in-game-list of the client. For this, select [View] and then [Game Servers]. Here a new server can be added by clicking on the [+]-icon and add an IP.
How does the server browser work?
The server browser can list both dedicated and peer-to-peer session. The listing of dedicated servers can be toggled on and off in the Server Filter widget on the right side of the screen.
The Server Filter widget also allows filtering the list by password protection, sessions with Steam friends, empty servers and servers with a set min number of free slots.
The list is sorted by preferring favored servers, friends’ sessions, dedicated servers and finally peer-to-peer sessions.
How will setting up a dedicated server actually work?